Work With Me.
Creating Intimacy & Emotional Attunement
Communication & Resolving Conflict
Codependency, Self-Esteem Issues & Setting Boundaries
Premarital Counseling
Healing after Infidelity & Betrayal
Improving Sexual Intimacy & Differences in Desire
Healing Attachment Injuries & Trauma: Adult children of schizophrenic, bipolar & borderline parents
Divorce Discernment & Breakup Recovery
Psychedelic Integration
Online marriage counseling & couples therapy in California and online relationship coaching

Couples Therapy
Couples Therapy & Marriage Counseling
Couples counseling and marriage counseling require a commitment from both partners to enter into the process. You’ll both need to reveal yourself, untangle the expectations and projections that create conflict, and re-pattern unhealthy behaviors. Couples therapy offers a road map to forge a new image of yourself and your partnership.
Relationships are incredibly complex. They require work. Maintaining love, intimacy, and connection is an ongoing project and no couple is immune to difficulties. Love is not enough to bind a relationship together — especially in a world that changes so rapidly. Couples need resources to become resilient and skills to become emotionally intelligent so their relationship can grow and ultimately thrive.
My approach to couples therapy is to uncover the structure of conflict as well as the underlying attachment needs that are not being met. Then we’ll move into emotional skillfulness and mindfulness techniques that can help couples identify their emotional reactivity and behavioral patterns to diffuse conflict more easily. Once these skills are in place, we can focus our attention on meaningful repairs, attunement, and connection that create the foundation for problem-solving from a place of empathy and trust.
Common Issues in Couples & Marriage Therapy
Deepening Emotional Intelligence & Attunement
Working through patterns of mis-communication
Perpetual conflict and power struggles
Emotional withdrawal & stalemates
Stress & Work/ Life Balance
Infidelity & Betrayal
Sexual Intimacy Issues & Desire Discrepancy
Disagreements over values and priorities including: money, sex, parenting, and creating time for each other.
Working through Codependency and Attachment Issues
Premarital Counseling: Defining Commitment & Trust
Discernment Therapy, Divorce Recovery & Conscious Uncoupling
Mindfulness-based Ethical Non Monogamy
Whether you are considering the next level of commitment, are in a committed relationship or marriage, considering separation, or processing a separation or divorce, therapy can be deeply empowering and healing. I also treat same sex couples, family relationships, siblings, and business partnerships who are in need of fine tuning.
You can gain a more expansive understanding of your relationship and a road map for resolving perpetual areas of conflict. Click on the button below to read more about frequently asked questions regarding couples therapy.
Online Relationship Coaching
Relationship coaching is a service for individual clients outside the state of California who need solution-focused, more goal-directed support. This is not intended to replace working with a licensed psychotherapist if you are struggling with mental illness.

Individual Therapy

Individual Psychotherapy
There are many reasons you may feel like you're stuck and moving in circles. You’ve read so many self-help books and done all the “right” things and yet none of it seemed to make a difference. Perhaps just the thought of looking for a therapist feels overwhelming. Or maybe you’ve had an unsuccessful experience with a previous therapist and don’t know if it’s worth trying again.
I’ve been through the process many times on my own. Having been on both sides of the equation, I know how much courage it takes to be vulnerable with a new therapist. I also know that when you find the right fit, the relationship can provide the doorway into a world of change.
Individual therapy is a process of inner exploration that can lead to a much deeper understanding of how you see yourself, others, and how you operate in the world. This process — where you start therapy with one problem you’re desperate to fix — becomes the pathway to what I like to think of as your “becoming”: you deeply own who you are. You can regain a sense of possibility in so many additional arenas of life. But the transformation comes from the inside out.
For some of you, you’re trying to heal emotional wounds, uncover the “why” behind self-destructive patterns that keep replaying in your relationships or work, and replace them with new behaviors and beliefs that will help you move closer to the life you envision for yourself. If you are going through a separation or divorce, individual therapy can help you repair self-esteem, grieve, and regain a stronger sense of agency as you get acquainted with yourself post-relationship.
Online Relationship Coaching
Online relationship coaching offers couples support to individual clients outside the state of California who need solution-focused, more goal-directed support. This is not intended to replace working with a licensed psychotherapist if you are struggling with mental illness.

Relationship Coaching

Relationship Coaching
Even though it may seem similar, Relationship Coaching is different from the deeper work of psychotherapy. Coaching focuses on resolving a specific problem involving relationships. It is short-term and solution-focused.
I do not work with severe mental illness in this capacity such as trauma, major depression, OCD, anxiety, or other mental health conditions. I will refer a client out to see a therapist in their local area to be properly treated should these issues arise. If you are referred out, coaching can still be an add-on form of support for clients.
Psychedelic Integration
Psychedelic Integration is the process of incorporating insights, lessons, and new perspectives into your conscious awareness. It can lead to the union of fractured parts of the Self and healing of past experiences through clarity and narrative reframing. The expansiveness and immensity of a non-ordinary state experience may be difficult to make sense of after returning to normal reality. With guidance and support, psychedelic integration leads to insight, a new view of Self, and a capacity to let go of patterns that no longer serve. Integration can include many frameworks and perspectives.
Examples of intentions may involve taking more ownership of challenges, speaking your truth, or reconnecting with the parts of yourself that you may have turned away from in the past.
Once you have these experiences, integration is the process that turns your intentions into reality. It makes your insights tangible.
I have been MAPS trained and have had substantial experience in integration practices that can support a clients capacity to create meaning after a psychedelic experience. I also bring a Jungian and Depth Psychological perspective to integration work that can help clients deepen into their inner world.
Please note I do not condone, or support the use of illegal substanpces nor do I provide substances of any kind for treatment.
There can be significant legal and medical risks associated with casual use of psychedelics. These risks are amplified for people who are already experiencing mental health challenges.
I also acknowledge that people do sometimes choose to take risks of various kinds that are not medically advised or condoned by the medical establishment. My integration services offer a safe, non-judgmental, and confidential space to process non-ordinary states and the potential for personal transformation and understanding.
What Is Mindfulness?
Mindfulness is the ability to be fully present and aware of your thoughts, feelings, and sensations in the moment without clinging to them. It is learning to be a nonjudgmental, compassionate, and curious observer of your own experience.
Mindfulness doesn’t require us to change who we are, but rather, it’s a practice. It’s a way of moving through the world with kindness for ourselves by learning how to gently hold space with our thoughts, sensations, and emotions.
Vipassana (or insight) meditation gives us a daily practice using just our breath to suspend judgment, tune into ourselves, and cultivate awareness about what’s happening in our internal experience. While mindfulness and meditation are not cure-alls for life’s ailments, it can
give us a way to understand the why behind our thoughts and emotions. This can create an anchor that fosters wisdom, greater clarity, acceptance, calm, balance, and a sense of well-being, no matter what is happening around you.